Kulsoom Fatima
2 min readJan 1, 2021
A Pomodoro

Have you ever heard about the technique of Pomodoro? If not then let me tell you.

Pomodoro is a time management technique which was developed by Fransisco in Italy. It involves setting a timer of 25 minutes for the completion of the task and taking short breaks after the timer ends. This technique helps in increasing productivity.

At AMAL we were asked to perform this technique 4 times with a timer of 25 minutes each then to take a break of 1–2 minutes after each 25 minutes.

Usually I prefer to work continuously up to 3 hours so this was not much difficult for me and I enjoyed a lot.

This technique helped me to accomplish more because I worked with full concentration during those 25 minutes. Although the gratification monkey tried to distract me but I did not pay attention to any of the distractions:)

The Pomodoro technique proved to be very useful to me as the task I decided was to study one of my subjects and I was successful in completing my goal! Now I am planning to include this technique in my daily routine as this will help me to be more productive and make use of my full time. Usually while doing my work, the gratification monkey comes into action and divert me from my task, as I am starting to get the thoughts of using mobile phone, watching TV or playing with my nephew. So I always wanted to overcome my this bad habit specially the excessive use of mobile phone. This Pomodoro technique helped me a lot in order to overcome this bad habit:) I am also planning to increase the time of the timer in order to make myself more productive:)I have also planned to decrease the break time so that I can utilize all 1440 minutes of my day.

The Pomodoro Technique



Kulsoom Fatima

An electrical engineer but passionate about writing.