Kulsoom Fatima
2 min readDec 17, 2020

Everyone of us have goals in their lives but in order to attain them it is necessary to make these general goals SMART i.e Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time bound.

So, in the third week of AMAL Academy we were assigned the task to convert our personal and professional goals into SMART goals and then choose anyone goal and write the first 3 steps to achieve those. After that we have to follow those steps one by one every week.

The goal which I have chosen is

I will join ERI institute of teachers training in order to get a well paid teaching job in school ,college or university till the end of July 2021.

I have this goal because I want a well paid job for my financial stability but at the same time I want to revolutionize the area of education by developing new and exciting methods of teaching.

Previously while I was giving an interview for the position of teacher in a school , I realized that our principals and administrators follow the “rattafiaction” method of teaching rather than developing new skills and abilities in the students, at that time I realized that this area needs an improvement too. But before improving the teaching system I felt it necessary to gain teacher’s training first that is why I did not opt for that job.

To achieve this goal the first step which I decided is to contact ERI Teacher Training Institute to gain information about the new classes and their schedule.

Website of ERI

So, I called there and got the detailed information about their new classes and is intended to take the course of “Basic Teacher Development Program” and after that I will opt for “Advanced Teacher Development Program”.

Different Teachers Professional Development programs offered by ERI

My experience regarding my first step is beyond my expectation and now I am feeling that I am moving towards my goal.

Next up my task is to increase my networking to the people who are already in this profession in order to achieve information about new job opening. I am hoping that I will achieve this objective also in the second week. (InShaaAllah)



Kulsoom Fatima

An electrical engineer but passionate about writing.